Inglés B2 (1ª parte)

60 horas
Docente Pendiente


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Apúntate al curso de Inglés B2 (1ª parte)

Impartido por Docente Pendiente

Conoce que ofrece este curso

UD1. Never judge a book by its cover.

    1.1. Grammar reference: Word formation.
    1.2. Grammar reference: More about adjectives.
    1.3. Grammar reference: Relative clauses.
    1.4. Grammar reference. Deduction: present and past.
    1.5. Writing tips. How to write an informal email.

UD2. Down-to-earth.

    2.1. Grammar Reference. What’s in a noun?.
    2.2. Grammar reference: Modals and expressions of probability.
    2.3. Grammar reference: Conditionals. Alternatives to if.
    2.4. Grammar reference: Punctuation marks.
    2.5. Pronunciation Reference. Contractions/Linking.

UD3. Home sweet home.

    3.1. Grammar reference: Verbs in a state!.
    3.2. Grammar reference: Modals of obligation/absence of obliga¬tion/prohibition/advice.
    3.3. Grammar reference: The imperative.
    3.4. Grammar reference: Have/Get something done.
    3.5. Writing tips. Follow this pattern.

UD4. A penny for your thoughts.

    4.1. Grammar Reference. Infinitive and -ing.
    4.2. Vocabulari. Let’s Count.
    4.3. Reading. A rich man.
    4.4. Grammar Reference. Infinitive versus -ing.
    4.5. Grammar Reference. Saxon Genitive and Double Genitive.
    4.6. Vocabulary. Expressions.
    4.7. Grammar Reference. Participle clauses.

UD5. Caught red-handed.

    5.1. Grammar reference: Order! Order.
    5.2. Grammar reference: Emphasis.
    5.3. Grammar reference: Inversions.
    5.4. Grammar reference: Tag questions.
    5.5. Grammar reference: Cleft sentences.
    5.6. Writing tips. Write a review.

  • Aprender vocabulario sobre los estereotipos.
  • Conocer cuando se utiliza ING o Infinitivo.
  • Saber identificar las oraciones condicionales y su tipo.

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